What is the use of HID proximity card?

HID Proximity ProxPoint Plus 6005

An HID proximity card,
also commonly called a prox card or key card, is a type of contactless smart card that uses radio waves to communicate with a reader. They are widely used for access control purposes. Here are some of the common uses of HID proximity card:

  • Physical access control: HID prox cards are a popular way to control access to buildings, offices, and other secure areas. When you wave your card near a reader, it transmits a signal that is read by the reader. If the signal matches the credentials stored in the system, the reader unlocks the door.

  • Employee ID: HID proximity cards can also be used as employee IDs. The card can store information about the employee, such as their name, department, and photo. This information can be used for a variety of purposes, such as tracking employee hours or granting access to certain areas of a building.
  • Other applications: HID proximity cards can also be used for a variety of other applications, such as cashless vending, public transportation fare payment, and secure printing.


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